Paper on empirical innovation management research presented
Paper „Redaktionsstrategien und Arbeitsroutinen der Online-Video-Produktion in Medienunternehmen. Kritische Diskussion eines qualitativen Mehrmethodendesigns“ (together with Prof. Dr. Sven Pagel and Nicole Langenheim, University of Applied Sciences Mainz) Critical discussion of a qualitative multi-method research design carried out to identify hurdles to the implementation of innovations in media companies. Presented at the…
Research Publication: Online Video Production Strategies in Germany
Paper: „Strategien für die Produktion von Online-Bewegtbildinhalten. Eine wettbewerbsstrategische Analyse“ (together with Georg Ramme, Managing Director International endemol beyond). In: Pagel, Sven (Ed): Schnittstellen (in) der Medienökonomie. Baden-Baden: Nomos An analysis of strategic groupings in the German market and main structural forces shaping the competition in the online video production sector.
Keynote for grupo de midia de Sao Paulo
Introductory Keynote for grupo de midia’s week-long international trip for its associates „with the goal of understanding more about the new media tendencies around the world.“ The presentation focussed on the German media industry as well as competitive, regulatory and technological trends in the different sub-industries and was followed by a…
Keynote at
Opening keynote of medienforum’s wednesday session on „Next Level Online-Television“. Overview of market characteristics, latest trends and market potentials for 300 professionals of the TV, online and advertising industry. Medienforum is one of Germany’s leading media conferences and trade fairs.